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How much does window tinting cost on average? | Murrieta Home Window Tinting

How much does home window tinting cost on average?

So your thinking about getting your home windows tinted, your only hang up is cost, you don’t know how much it costs. That’s a natural enquiry and often a hard one to answer in broad terms. Since your here on the world wide web looking for the answer i figured i’d help answer the question for you. But first, here are a few things to consider and know before getting to the answer.

Things to consider before calling a window tinting company?

1. Figure out how many windows are you trying to have tinted, and focus on east and west facing windows.
2. Try and nail down what you primary goal is: Heat reduction, security, privacy, glare reduction, decorative film or all of the above ect.
3. Is this a temporary fix or a permanent one?
4. Are you looking for a specific brand, all brands have their pros and cons and we will discuss that here.

Knowing the answer to the above questions will help guide you in the right direction in choosing the right contractor for the job. Contractors for window tinting have a D-52 license in the state of california, not all automotive shops have the right license or expertise to solve your problem. Make sure seek out D-52 limited specialty contractor when considering home window tinting.

Now that you have an idea of what you want to get done and how to choose the right Contractor for the job let’s dive into cost.

Prices range from $6 dollars a square foot and $14 dollars a square foot. This is because Window films come in a wide variety of colors, options, and some are specific to the glass they are applied too.

First things first, understanding the glass surface and coatings of your particular glass are important for compatibility purposes as well as warranty coverage by the manufacture/dealer you choose.

Steps your contractor takes to ensure the right film is used for the job:

  1. Inspect and identify your glass makeup
  2. Identify if your glass is annealed, tempered, or laminated.
  3. Locate and identify low e coatings and choose the right film that is complementary to the solution desired without creating complications to the existing glass. ( ie. glass breakage, voiding warranty, and more. )

The contractor your hire usually provides you several options to solve your window tinting needs. Usually lighter VLT ( films that allow maximum light) with high heat reducing properties are higher in cost as they contain precious metals and are more expensive to produce while more reflective window films are cheaper and are usually comprised of aluminum and silver metals that are easily sourced.

Homes in Murrieta considering home window tinting usually have 150 sq ft of glass, give or take. So depending on the glass, and solution desired cost as low as $900 dollars for more information or a personalized quote contact

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